January 26, 2017 Angela Erotica, Reviews, Romance
One with You by
Sylvia Day Series: Crossfire #5 Published by St. Martin's Griffin on April 5th 2016
Pages: 464
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Gideon Cross. Falling in love with him was the easiest thing I've ever done. It happened instantly. Completely. Irrevocably.
Marrying him was a dream come true. Staying married to him is the fight of my life. Love transforms. Ours is both a refuge from the storm and the most violent of tempests. Two damaged souls entwined as one.
We have bared our deepest, ugliest secrets to one another. Gideon is the mirror that reflects all my flaws ... and all the beauty I couldn't see. He has given me everything. Now, I must prove I can be the rock, the shelter for him that he is for me. Together, we could stand against those who work so viciously to come between us.
But our greatest battle may lie within the very vows that give us strength. Committing to love was only the beginning. Fighting for it will either set us free ... or break us apart.

One With You is the fifth and final book in the Crossfire series, and frankly I’m surprised I enjoyed it so much. Let’s just say I was less than pleased with the previous book, Captivated by You. The series seemed to be going downhill fast. Then Sylvia Day made us wait for-freaking-ever for this last installment which really irritated me. There was about a year and a half between the release of Captivated by You and this book. That’s a long-ass time! I have the world’s crappiest memory. I have a hard time remembering the details of books I read last month, let alone over a year ago. Yeah, so I was prepared for a rather mediocre conclusion to a story I barely recalled. Quelle surprise! I liked it. Read More
Ohmygosh. Oh my gosh. Oh! My! Gosh! What did I just read?!?! Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. I have no idea where to begin. Okay. Five things you should know about American Queen:
Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy have proven once again that they are a formidable writing team. Put them together and you get magical storytelling that warms your heart and assails you with humor. Good Boy is the first book in the M/F WAGs series, which is a spinoff of the M/M Him series. WAGs is an acronym for wives and girlfriends of professional athletes, in case you didn’t know.
Penny Reid is known for her witty romances. It’s what drew me to her work initially and keeps me coming back for more. Her Knitting in the City series is an excellent example of her clever storytelling. Each book details the life of one of the ladies in an eccentric knitting group. While quite enjoyable, Friends Without Benefits lacks some of the whimsical spirit I anticipated.
I’m reading this series completely out of order, but I still really enjoyed Wrong. Give me a hot doctor romance and I’ll lap it up.
This is one of those rare cases where I liked the conclusion to a duet better than the first book. The small cliffhanger from the previous book is addressed right away, and I’m happy to say Banner and Logan handle things in an adult manner so it doesn’t result in extended unnecessary drama. The story unfolds at a quick pace with different side plots to capture your interest.
Virtuous is the first book in the Quantum trilogy. The series came highly recommended so this is the first time I’ve gone into a book completely blind. I didn’t read a single review or even the book blurb beforehand. Having since read the book description, it perfectly summarizes the entire plot. Surprisingly, there aren’t many other major events that occur.
I’m trying to remember the last time I laughed this hard while reading a book, and I’m coming up empty. I bought the Kindle version and then added on Audible for $1.99 (well worth the price, in my opinion) so I could listen while driving. I had to keep a travel pack of tissues in the car because I had tears rolling all down my face and whatnot from laughing. I’m amazed I didn’t crash. So yeah. Neanderthal Marries Human is another notch in Penny Reid’s belt of winning smart romantic comedies.
I have enjoyed all of Kim Holden’s books. They are thoughtful, uplifting and frequently stirring, and each book celebrates the power of the human spirit. Franco is no different.
Reading this book was an exercise in frustration. Here’s the plot in a nutshell. A man is a prick, a woman is fixated on his dick, said man breaks said woman’s heart, and they wind up starring in a Broadway show opposite each other as lovers.
Grounded is the final book in the Up In the Air trilogy and probably my favorite one. This book is focused on Bianca trying to assimilate herself into James’s affluent world. At the same time, James is trying to handle threats to her safety in his own controlling way.
The books in Brooke Blaine’s L.A. Liasons series have such fun covers! The latest one is no different. P.I.T.A. is coming your way January 30th, and I’m looking forward to reading crazy Paige’s story.