Published by Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated on September 26th 2017
Pages: 120


Man seeking woman: Hot, rich, smart, witty, self-made multimillionaire Internet genius seeks classy, intelligent, sexy, fun-loving woman who’s interested in settling down and sharing all the good things.
There. Best. Ad. Ever.
I will absolutely find the woman of my dreams, someone who’ll love me for me. Even if my sister thinks I need help dating, I’m confident I can pull this off, courtesy of the great worldwide web.Let me just hit the upload button right now...***No. Just no. As a woman and a professional matchmaker, I can’t let Dylan Parker run this ad. He’s the catch of all catches. That’s why his sister has asked me to help her ridiculously good-looking, insanely rich, but socially clueless brother find a woman. As a broker of happily ever afters, I’m known as the Stud Finder since I make a great living pairing wildly successful women with men who won’t fleece them but will adore them. After all, what woman in her right mind wouldn’t fall in love with Dylan?
I mean, besides me. It totally won’t be me.
If you follow my reviews, you know that I’ve read more than my fair share of mediocre novellas. Stud Finder proves that yes, Virginia, there are excellent ones out there. This is the second novella I’ve read and enjoyed by Lauren Blakely, and I think she should give a master class in the art of writing novellas. This book may be short, but it packs one heck of a lively punch. Read More