Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week‘s topic is Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read. I’ve never done a seasonal TBR post on the blog, but I do keep track of my TBR list on Goodreads. Today, I’m highlighting those books I planned to read during specific seasons.
Month: July 2022

Review: The Hookup Plan by Farrah Rochon
I’m late to this series, but I’ve now read two of the three books, and The Hookup Plan is my favorite.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books With One-Word Titles
Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week is a freebie, so the topic I decided to do is Books With One-Word Titles. I’m always fascinated by how a book’s title is connected to the story. I wonder if it’s easier or harder for authors to come up with a fitting title that is just one word.

Enjoy a sneak peek inside Boyfriend Material by Ilsa Madden-Mills!
Can this hockey player prove he’s boyfriend material, or will our past get in the way? Boyfriend Material, an all-new enemies-to-lovers romance from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ilsa Madden-Mills is coming July 25th, and we have your first look!

Review: Love Lessons by Sarina Bowen
Will I ever tire of Sarina Bowen’s professional hockey novels? Evidently the answer to that question is no—and I don’t even like hockey. Love Lessons is another welcome addition to the Brooklyn series.

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers That Feel Like Summer
Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is Books Covers That Feel Like Summer. Thoughts of summer evoke so many sweet images. I haven’t read all of these books, but I had fun looking for covers that fit the season.

Review: Those Three Little Words by Meghan Quinn
I enjoy a good surprise pregnancy story, and I love sports romance. Put them together, and Those Three Little Words should form a perfect union.

Review: From the Embers by Aly Martinez
Aly Martinez is my go-to author when I’m looking for romantic suspense with lots of twists. In a departure from her signature duets and trilogies, From the Embers is a standalone.

Top Ten Tuesday: Tips for Attending Book Signings
Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. There are two major book signings occurring this month and some later this year, so this week I thought I’d share Tips for Attending Book Signings. Book Bonanza is taking place in Texas this week, and Apollycon will be held in Washington, D.C. at the end of the month. I’ve been fortunate to have attended several large book signings, and I’ve learned some tips along the way that I thought would be helpful. I’ll be at Apollycon this year, so if you’re planning to attend let me know. I’d love to meet you and chat books.

Time for a Change
I can’t believe it’s been almost seven years since I started my blog as a hobby to help me get through a rough time in my life. What a learning curve it was—and still is! Just as my taste in books has evolved over time, so too has my design aesthetic. My old blog graphics no longer suit me. I decided it’s time for a change.