Series: New Camelot Trilogy #3
Published by Self-Published on October 31st 2017
Pages: 456

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They say that every tragic hero has a fatal flaw, a secret sin, a tiny stitch sewn into his future since birth. And here I am. My sins are no longer secret. My flaws have never been more fatal. And I’ve never been closer to tragedy than I am now.
I am a man who loves, a man whose love demands much in return. I am a king, a king who was foolish enough to build a kingdom on the bones of the past. I am a husband and a lover and a soldier and a father and a president.And I will survive this.
Long live the king.
Put a fork in me. I’m done. American King officially slayed me! It is the heart-pounding, breathtaking conclusion to the New Camelot Trilogy. It delivered the fatal blow after pummeling my emotions, but American King just might be my favorite book of the three. As a side note, the trilogy is extremely intricate, with multiple players and cliffhangers galore. For maximum enjoyment, I suggest readers clear their schedules and devote a good chunk of time to reading the three books back to back.
Ash—the President, Sir, and King—is one of the most magnetic characters I’ve come across in recent memory. I’ve been eager to know his thoughts on the unconventional love triangle between him, Greer, and Embry, and it is well worth the wait.
American King revolves around Ash’s current re-election campaign, but there are also flashbacks sprinkled liberally throughout. Frankly, I’m not a huge fan of interspersed flashbacks. In this case, though, it works. Much of the history concerns events that already occurred in the previous books. Knowing Ash’s perspective gives depth and clarity to the character motivations.
The dynamics between Ash, Embry, and Greer defy explanation. They are bound together in a wonderfully addictive relationship. Holy Mother of Hates! This book is off the heat chart in terms of kink. I love that the sex isn’t just there for the sake of smutty sex. It enhances the overall plot and serves to validate the emotions of everyone involved.
Merlin has always been a fascinating enigma, and I’m so glad he’s back and just as cryptic as ever. Morgan and Abilene also return with their dubious intentions.
Hello Angst, my old friend. All the suspense and astonishing revelations blew my mind, and my poor heart could barely handle the amount of stirring moments. I was destroyed. And I liked it.
This tantalizing saga is powerful and all consuming—not to mention flawlessly written. I’m thrilled that the series ends on such a strong note, but I’m sad to say goodbye to so many compelling characters.
Recommended for fans of:
Ménage a Trois
Political drama
**ARC received in exchange for an honest review.**
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