Author: Angela

Review: Exodus by Kate Stewart

Review: Exodus by Kate Stewart

August 8, 2020 Angela Reviews, Romantic Suspense

Oh man. Exodus, the conclusion of The Ravenhood Duet, is every bit the dark and twisted rollercoaster it is billed to be. Full disclosure: dark romances are hit or miss for me. I connect with some more easily than others. This one left me feeling too raw, too mentally and emotionally exhausted — with not enough payoff.

Audiobook Review: Baking Me Crazy by Karla Sorensen

Audiobook Review: Baking Me Crazy by Karla Sorensen

I was hesitant when I found out about this new series of books penned by various authors and set within Penny Reid’s book universe—-specifically in the Green Valley town that is home to the Winston brothers. I wasn’t sure another author could do justice to the kooky but heartwarming vibe I’d grown to love. Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit if Baking Me Crazy didn’t make me a believer.

First Line Friday: July 24, 2020

First Line Friday: July 24, 2020

July 24, 2020 Angela First Line Friday

Happy Friday, book lovers! First Line Fridays is hosted by Hoarding Books. Today, I’m featuring Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. It’s been years since I read this emotional book. I was looking forward to the movie adaptation and was super disappointed to learn the project fell through. I’m putting this on my TBRR (To Be Re-Read) list.

Review: Engagement and Espionage by Penny Reid

Review: Engagement and Espionage by Penny Reid

I’m a diehard Penny Reid fan. Her brainy, witty characters have charmed me more times than I can count, and I’m glad I can hang onto the ones carried over from the Winston Brothers series. Sadly, though, even Cletus (one of my favorite characters) couldn’t make Engagement and Espionage a big win for me. I guess I just expected more from the first book in this spinoff series.

First Line Friday: July 17, 2020

First Line Friday: July 17, 2020

July 17, 2020 Angela First Line Friday

Happy Friday, book lovers! First Line Fridays is hosted by Hoarding Books. Today, I’m featuring Irresistible by Melanie Harlow. Single parent romances are my jam and this one features a single father of three girls. It’s currently on sale for 99¢ or free in Kindle Unlimited.