Author: Angela

January Ultimate Reading Challenge Review: Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan

January Ultimate Reading Challenge Review: Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan

Re-read for the Ultimate Reading Challenge 2018. Re-released with a new cover in 2016. Still 5 stars! I was extremely moved by Archer’s Voice when I read it three years ago. At the time, I didn’t hesitate to place it on my Favorites bookshelf. I was scared to re-read it, though, because I know my tastes as a reader tend to change. I shouldn’t have worried because I loved it every bit as hard as I did the first time.

2018 Reading Goals

2018 Reading Goals

January 7, 2018 Angela Reading Goals

I am a goal-oriented reader, so striving to read a certain number of books each year is an annual tradition. Once again, I’m challenging myself in other areas as well. Do you think I can achieve my 2018 Reading Goals?

That’s a Wrap 2017! How Did I Do?

That’s a Wrap 2017! How Did I Do?

January 1, 2018 Angela Reading Goals, Wrap Up

Well, that’s a wrap for 2017! Happy New Year! I’ll share my reading goals for 2018 in a separate post but before I do, it’s time to take an honest look and see how I did with my 2017 reading goals. First things first, though. Here’s a wrap-up of December 2017 reviews. Three 5-star books!!

Best Books of 2017

Best Books of 2017

Some years it’s easy to narrow down my list of favorite books, but this year I really struggled with my choices. When it came down to it, there were 14 books (including two series) that made a lingering impression on me. Here are my picks for Best Books of 2017, listed in no particular order. Click the cover or link to read my review.