Author: Angela

Review: The Intern by Marni Mann

Review: The Intern by Marni Mann

January 9, 2023 Angela Erotica, Reviews, Romance

Bless you, Marni Mann! The addictive Dalton Brothers series now includes the extended Dalton family. Hannah, the Dalton brothers’ cousin, charmed me in The Single Dad, and I was curious about her antagonistic relationship with her boss. The Intern breaks it all down in an engaging way, with a hefty dose of Mann’s signature sizzling heat.

Favorite Books of 2022

Favorite Books of 2022

  I can’t believe it’s time for my Favorite Books of 2022 list already. While this was a challenging year for me personally, it was a great year for books. I continued to branch out into a variety of genres, and I also found myself listening to way more audiobooks. In fact, I typically listen to an audiobook during my commute to work while reading an ebook or paperback when I’m at home. Basically, I’m always reading two books at the same time. It sounds crazy, but as long as the books are different genres or very different plots I can keep them straight in my mind. Here are ten of my favorite books published in 2022, in no particular order.

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection

December 27, 2022 Angela Top Ten Tuesday

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection. Between Christmas presents, gift cards, and store credits, I was able to add quite a few books to my shelf. The additions I’m most excited about are the Addicted and Calloway Sisters paperbacks by Krista and Becca Ritchie. They are no longer printing the books with these gorgeous indie covers, so there is a limited availability. The series has been bought by a major publishing company, and slightly smaller books with new covers will be released next year. Here are my most recent ebook, paperback, and audiobook additions!

Review: It Starts With Us by Colleen Hoover

Review: It Starts With Us by Colleen Hoover

It Starts With Us is Colleen Hoover’s love letter to fans of her wildly popular book, It Ends With Us. She heard the cries of readers who begged to know all the details of Lily and Atlas’s happily ever after, and she answered their calls for a follow-up in spectacular fashion. It Starts With Us picks up immediately after the end of the previous book, and the mood is so much lighter.