Author: Angela

Cover Reveal & Excerpt: Sidebarred by Emma Chase

Cover Reveal & Excerpt: Sidebarred by Emma Chase

April 6, 2016 Angela Cover Reveal, Excerpts

Guys, I just saw the cover of SIDEBARRED by Emma Chase and look! It’s so purrty! It’s truly embarrassing how much I’m looking forward to reading this book. It’s a follow-up novella to SUSTAINED, which just so happens to be my favorite book in the Legal Briefs series. Can’t wait until May to see what Jake, Chelsea, and the kids have been up to? You’re in luck because I’ve got an excerpt for you.

Review & Giveaway ♥ Dark Notes by Pam Godwin

Review & Giveaway ♥ Dark Notes by Pam Godwin

A dark student-teacher romance is not something you come across often. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever read one. I don’t read a lot of dark romances, and student-teacher hookups involving minors make me hesitant. The synopsis for Dark Notes intrigued me, though, and the performing artist in me loved the fact that the book incorporates music. I decided to give it a go, and the payoff was well worth the risk.

That’s a Wrap! March 2016

That’s a Wrap! March 2016

April 1, 2016 Angela Wrap Up

  I was lucky enough to read some pretty great romances in March. Hands down, my favorite book was Paper Princess by Erin Watt. It releases April 4th and I highly recommend you 1-click this angsty, addictive read. Fingers crossed that April brings even more fabulous new releases as well as old gems I haven’t discovered yet. Here’s a list of all the books I reviewed in March.

Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway ♥ HardBall by CD Reiss

Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway ♥ HardBall by CD Reiss

I’m a big CD Reiss fan so when I heard she was working on a sports romantic comedy—my latest addiction—I was all over that. I mean I stalked her Facebook page for updates, shamelessly drooled over the cover reveal, and was willing to sell my dog for an ARC. Well, he’s actually my husband’s dog, but still. This book is very different from the dark erotic novels for which Reiss is best know; however, there are enough sexy times to please most dirty birdies.