Author: Angela

Excerpt Reveal ♥ Mister Org@sm by Lauren Blakely

Excerpt Reveal ♥ Mister Org@sm by Lauren Blakely

March 9, 2016 Angela Excerpts

  We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the excerpt reveal for Lauren Blakely’s MISTER ORG@SM! A standalone sexy romantic comedy, MISTER ORG@SM takes everything you love about a Lauren Blakely novel – witty dialogue, smoking hot sex scenes, and heartfelt moments – and kicks it into overdrive! MISTER ORG@SM is set to release Wednesday, May 4th! MISTER ORG@SM is a standalone, sexy romantic comedy, including a forbidden romance, told from the male POV. You met Nick in Lauren’s Big Rock, and he’ll keep you up long into the night as you turn the pages of MISTER ORG@SM.

Review ♥ Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye

Review ♥ Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye

March 7, 2016 Angela Reviews, Romance

The truth is I tend to be more lenient in my reviews of novellas. There’s just no way you can pack enough character development and storyline complexity into a book that is under 150 pages. I dive in knowing that it won’t measure up to a full-length novel, so it’s unfair of me to judge it by the same standards. That said, Hearts in Darkness is a well-done, sexy little story.