Author: Angela

Sustained by Emma Chase

Sustained by Emma Chase

Emma Chase has topped herself. I never thought I’d say this but I loved Sustained more than Tangled, and that’s saying a lot. In my opinion it’s been a rather mediocre year for romances. There have been several 2015 releases I’ve enjoyed but only a handful that I’ve absolutely loved. And even then there’s usually something I find fault with. Maybe there’s a dreaded case of insta-love in the beginning. The ending is too rushed. The plot is a bit too predictable. You get the picture. But this book? I wouldn’t change a thing about this book. It’s absolute perfection and my favorite book of 2015 so far.

Review ♥ Before We Were Strangers by Renée Carlino

Review ♥ Before We Were Strangers by Renée Carlino

Let me just cut to the chase. I freaking loved this book! The synopsis sounded unique, and given my weakness for second chance love stories, I knew I had a potential winner on my hands. Well, it delivered all that and a bag of chips. I absolutely devoured it. Before We Were Strangers is easily one of my favorite books of 2015.

Review: Nuts by Alice Clayton

Review: Nuts by Alice Clayton

October 24, 2015 Angela Reviews, Romance, Romantic Comedy

Alice Clayton is best known for her popular Cocktail series and Redhead series, the later of which sits firmly on my “favorites” bookshelf. So when I found out she was writing a new series, I admit I started fangirling just a wee bit. Okay, a lot, but then I gave myself a reality check. Angela, I thought—my little freak out session had temporarily caused me to refer to myself in the third person, you see—calm the heck down and don’t get your hopes up. I’m sure it’s incredibly hard for an author to meet readers’ expectations once the bar of excellence has been set. Well, I’m happy to say Ms. Clayton hasn’t lost her creative mojo. Nuts is funny, sassy, and altogether charming.

Review: Move the Sun by Susan Fanetti

Review: Move the Sun by Susan Fanetti

I take it back; I like biker books after all. I’ve heard Susan Fanetti’s praises sung over and over, so I was eager to read one of her books. A friend suggested I start with this one, but I don’t consider myself to be a fan of Motorcycle Club books so I was braced for disappointment. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I enjoyed the heck out of this novel.

Loving the White Liar by Kate Stewart

Loving the White Liar by Kate Stewart

October 21, 2015 Angela Contemporary, Reviews, Romance

I confess that I had a misconception about adult ADHD. I assumed it was just a milder and more manageable version of childhood ADHD—essentially difficulty focusing and restlessness. Based on the book description, I couldn’t imagine how the author was going to stretch these relatively benign symptoms into a conflict worthy of a full-length novel.

Review: All I Want by J. Daniels

Review: All I Want by J. Daniels

All I Want is the second book in the Alabama Summer series and my favorite so far. The story picks up a year after Tessa broke up with Luke at the end of Where I Belong. Luke still hasn’t forgiven Tessa for breaking his heart and keeping an important secret from him. Rather than admit he still has feelings for Tessa, he tries to erase her from his memory by turning into a manwhore and flaunting his sexcapades in Tessa’s face.