Category: Blog Tours

Review & Excerpt: Getting Schooled by Emma Chase

Review & Excerpt: Getting Schooled by Emma Chase

Frankly, I’m amazed by how much I’ve enjoyed every single Emma Chase book I’ve read—and by now I believe I’ve gone through her entire body of work. The winning streak continues with Getting Schooled. I brought this book with me on vacation, and I couldn’t have chosen a more perfect beach read. It’s pure hilarity and romance, without an ounce of silly conflicts to spoil the good times.

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Epoch by Jewel E. Ann

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Epoch by Jewel E. Ann

Book duets can be a risky business. Expectations are high when the first book is well received. Transcend was easily a 5-star read for me, so Epoch had huge shoes to fill. Jewel E. Ann makes it look easy because Epoch stole my breath time and again. I put my real life on pause while I indulged in every single absorbing page. Eating is so overrated anyway.

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan

I am a fan of Kennedy Ryan’s work, and I have a weakness for sports romances. When I found out Long Shot isn’t a comedy like most books in the genre, I was intrigued. Another selling point is that it takes place in the world of profession basketball; whereas, the majority of sports romances I’ve read are related to hockey, football, or baseball. That combination should have made Long Shot a slam dunk for me, but I found myself liking rather than loving it.