Blog Tour, Review & Excerpt: Prince Roman by CD Reiss
I am a big fan of CD Reiss’s writing, and although I may not have loved Prince Roman as much as some of her other work, I still found this novella to be quite enjoyable—a solid 3.5 stars for me.
I am a big fan of CD Reiss’s writing, and although I may not have loved Prince Roman as much as some of her other work, I still found this novella to be quite enjoyable—a solid 3.5 stars for me.
I’m in awe of Lauren Blakely’s ability to rapidly write hit after hit. The sheer volume of her work is jaw dropping, but it’s the consistent quality of her rom-coms that is truly impressive. Hard Wood marks the end of her Big Rock compilation, and what a way to go out. This book had me smiling so hard my face hurt.
I thought Shacking Up was a laugh-out-loud treat. If you’re like me, you’ve been waiting not-so-patiently for the follow-up. I feel you. Enjoy reading Chapter One of Hooking Up by Helena Hunting now.
If you follow my reviews, you know that I’ve read more than my fair share of mediocre novellas. Stud Finder proves that yes, Virginia, there are excellent ones out there. This is the second novella I’ve read and enjoyed by Lauren Blakely, and I think she should give a master class in the art of writing novellas. This book may be short, but it packs one heck of a lively punch.
Sara Ney has done it again! The Learning Hours is an unexpectedly heartwarming romantic comedy, as well as a fantastic addition to the addictive How to Date a Douchebag series.
Oh how I love my boys Logan and Tate! They are polar opposites, but fit together perfectly. Their dynamics always keep me coming back for more, even though I felt their love story became rather stagnant in the previous book, Tease. Now five books into the series, and things are back on track. I’m really happy with the way their relationship is progressing.
Lauren Blakely has become my go-to author when I’m looking for a lighthearted escape. Her romantic comedies are pure joy and 100% addictive. Most Valuable Playboy takes several tropes—sports romance, friends-to-lovers, and best friend’s sister—and manages to combine them successfully.
In the foreword, Jodi Ellen Malpas warns readers that The Forbidden is a bit of a departure for her—and a controversial one at that. My feelings about the book have less to do with the taboo nature of the storyline and everything to do with the fact that I disliked both main characters.
Let me cut right to the chase. I. Loved. This. Story. All the books in the Winston Brothers series are highly entertaining, but I think this one might be my favorite. Beard in Mind contains all the humor that I associate with the series; however, at the center is a complexity that is marvelously atypical.
Let’s face it. A gorgeous and caring man who keeps you company 24/7 and guards every inch of your body like it’s his job—which it absolutely is—is all kinds of sexy. Bonus: he bakes a mean pie. By the end of this book I was channeling my inner Whitney Houston à la The Bodyguard and belting out, “And i-e-i will always love-you-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-i will always love you.” I fell hard for bodyguard Logan St. James. He totally kicks Kevin Costner’s ass!
I’m ridiculously excited for the next book in Sara Ney’s How to Date a Douchebag series! The Learning Hours releases September 26th and I’ve got your first look at the cover as well as a sneak peek.
Brooke Blaine is rapidly becoming a 1-click author for me. She proves why once again with A Little Bit Like Love, a second chance M/M romance that hit all the right notes with me. An ill-fated couple with incredible chemistry? Definitely. Heart? In abundance. Angst? You’ve got it. Colorful supporting characters with humor? Check. An antagonist you love to hate? Oh yeah.