Cover Reveal & Giveaway ♥ On a Tuesday by Whitney G.
I love me some Whitney G. and she’s finally revealed the cover and synopsis of her secret project, On a Tuesday! Check it out, and be sure to enter the Giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card.
I love me some Whitney G. and she’s finally revealed the cover and synopsis of her secret project, On a Tuesday! Check it out, and be sure to enter the Giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card.
I finished The Knocked Up Plan hours ago and I’m still smiling! I consider myself to be a bit of a romantic comedy connoisseur, and this book has all the necessary elements to make it extraordinarily entertaining:
Hearts on Air is an enjoyable second chance romance involving two former best friends turned lovers.
My experience reading paranormal romance is limited. I read the Twilight series a billion years ago—I’ll wait while you roll your eyes—and the Sookie Stackhouse mysteries—which I think are awesome by the way and much better than True Blood, the TV series. Other than those, I’ve only read a handful of PNR books. While I’ve enjoyed many of them, it’s just not my favorite genre, so I admit I the blurb for Sugar & Gold gave me pause. I love Emma Scott, though, so I decided to give the book a chance and I’m really glad I did.
I’m super excited to be heading to the Sexy & Sassy Signing in Baltimore in a few weeks. I know most of you can’t be there so I asked myself:
Happy Release Day to Jana Aston, Ainsley Booth, Kitty French, BJ Harvey, Raine Miller, and Liv Morris! Their new project, Love in Transit, is now available. To celebrate the release, enter the giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card!!
For me, this book had two strikes against it from the get go: 1) I’ve only read one other Amy Harmon book, and I wasn’t impressed. *runs and hides* 2) I don’t read fantasy very often.
I think the concept for LOVE IN TRANSIT is so clever, and I’m excited to share the beautiful cover with you. What a great lineup of authors! Check it out, and be sure to enter the giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card.
Happy Release Day to Isabel Love! Untouchable is now available on all platforms. Read an excerpt and enter the giveaway to win a $25 Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, or PayPal gift card (winner’s choice).
Sometimes the hardest book reviews for me to write are for the books I enjoy the most. I fell truly, madly, deeply in love with Goodbye Paradise by Sarina Bowen, and even though I’ve spent a day trying to find something insightful to say, basically all I’ve got is that you should read this book.
The Butterfly Project by Emma Scott releases today, and I’ve got an excerpt to whet your appetite. I love her work, so I’m super excited to read this book. Enter the giveaway for an Amazon gift card while you’re here.
Welcome to my stop on the Meet Your Next Book Boyfriend blog tour hosted by my blogging buddies at Foxy Blogs. I’m excited to introduce you to Jake Becker from one of my all-time favorite romantic comedies, Sustained by Emma Chase. Jake is a wanted man, so watch out! There are two giveaways so make sure you enter them both. A paperback of Sustained and a $25 Amazon gift card are up for grabs.