Category: Mystery

Kick by CD Reiss

Kick by CD Reiss

December 10, 2015 Angela Erotica, Mystery, Reviews

I feel conflicted about Kick. On the one hand, the writing is amazing: engaging, exciting, intense, and evocative. On the other hand, the main character, Fiona, deeply disturbs me. The fact that this is a novella with a well-rounded plot and a multi-dimensional main character, let alone a short story that causes discordant emotions, is a testament to CD Reiss’s skill as a writer.

Review: End of Day by Jewel E. Ann

Review: End of Day by Jewel E. Ann

Reading is one of my favorite pastimes, but when you’re an avid reader who reads well over 100 novels per year, many books tend to blend together. Authors that bring something fresh to the table stand a better chance of producing work that stands out. Jewel E. Ann brought her A-game with End of Day, and I can honestly say I’ve never read anything like it. She has woven together a gripping, intriguing, and clever novel that I could not put down. What a fantastic start to the Jack & Jill series.

Review: Never Never: Part 1 by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

Review: Never Never: Part 1 by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

October 7, 2015 Angela Mystery, Reviews, Young Adult

Wow! I just finished reading this and my heart is still pounding. Each chapter of Never Never is filled with angsty, twisty goodness. And while it raises more questions than answers, the story line is coherent and I was completely hooked from the start. It’s hard to believe it was written by two authors. Their writing styles melded seamlessly. I found the character development and plot progression to be superb and atypical of novellas.