Category: Reviews

Mini Review ♥ Left Drowning by Jessica Park

Mini Review ♥ Left Drowning by Jessica Park

January 27, 2019 Angela New Adult, Reviews, Romance

Yes, Left Drowning is a romance and yes, some parts are erotic, but it’s also a compelling story about loss, redemption, forgiveness, and the healing power of friendship. And while there is tragedy, it’s not depressing. In fact, there were moments when I found myself laughing out loud. The characters are so fully developed and real that I completely fell in love with the Shepherd clan. How could you not love Sabin & Estelle? The love story between Blythe & Christopher is truly moving. The book comes to a satisfying conclusion, but I was sad to let the story and the characters go.

Review: Becoming by Michelle Obama

Review: Becoming by Michelle Obama

I have always had great fondness for Michelle Obama due to her relatability, kindness, and intellect. After reading Becoming and the frank exploration of her life, I must say that I have an everlasting respect for this remarkable yet extraordinarily ordinary woman. The memoir is informative and inspirational, often challenging the reader to acknowledge obvious as well as covert inequities in our society—and to do something about them.

Review ♥ Feeling Hot by Elle Kennedy

Review ♥ Feeling Hot by Elle Kennedy

December 28, 2018 Angela Erotica, Reviews, Romance

I’m going to give it to you straight: Feeling Hot is light on substance and extremely heavy on erotica. Some readers may be fine with 100% pure smut, but I need at least a semi-decent story to go along with my smut. This book meets the storyline requirement just fine, but you won’t find any great character development, suspense, or deep issues explored.