Category: Reviews

Review: A Little Too Late by Sarina Bowen

Review: A Little Too Late by Sarina Bowen

Someone, please book me a trip to Madigan Mountain, STAT! I don’t even ski, but A Little Too Late has me envisioning a vacation on a snowy mountain ski resort, snowboarding down the bunny slope, a big mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows cupped in my hands, and a soak in a glorious hot tub at the end of the day. I feel like I became part of Madigan Mountain, and I’m homesick now. 

Audiobook Review: Thank You for Listening by Julia Whelan

Audiobook Review: Thank You for Listening by Julia Whelan

As someone who listens to audiobooks regularly, I was in heaven listening to Thank You for Listening. I mean, does it get any better than an audiobook about an audio narrator who falls for her co-narrator sight unseen? The only thing that could top that was if the book was written and narrated by one of my favorite narrators, Julia Whelan. Mission accomplished!

Review: Reverse by Kate Stewart

Review: Reverse by Kate Stewart

August 5, 2022 Angela Reviews, Romance

Reverse is the follow-up to Kate Stewart’s massive hit Drive, so it has big shoes to fill. I’m happy to say it fits quite nicely. I highly recommend reading Drive before reading Reverse. The story will have far more meaning if you do, and you’ll avoid major spoilers. Reverse is about the forbidden romance between the children of the main characters from the previous book.