Review: My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren
There is something about a Christina Lauren book that just makes me happy, so it comes as no surprise that My Favorite Half-Night Stand left me with a goofy smile on my face.
There is something about a Christina Lauren book that just makes me happy, so it comes as no surprise that My Favorite Half-Night Stand left me with a goofy smile on my face.
Dear Carter, My friends have been utterly captivated by your friends-to-lovers story so please believe me when I tell you that it’s not you, it’s me. I think you are the perfect book boyfriend, but your girlfriend, Arizona, is truly irritating. For someone who’s 24, she seems rather immature. I don’t know how you put up with her silly little lies. Rather than tell you she doesn’t want to see you she tells you she’s meeting a new friend – Betty Crocker. Really? I know you chuckle, but do you really find it endearing?
Once Upon a Sure Thing is a friends-to-lovers story that is low on drama and high on humor—just how I like it. Lauren Blakely continues to impress with this series about three brothers who used to be members of a famous teen boy band. Single parenthood is integral to each brother’s story, and these sexy former pop stars are blessedly allergic to one-night stands.
Smile, happy sigh, heart tug, repeat. Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating filled me with undiluted joy from beginning to end. The main source of all the warm fuzzies are the two main characters.
Kiss the Girl is the final book in Tara Sivec’s winning The Naughty Princess series. I’ve been anxiously waiting for Ariel’s story, and it was well worth wait.
The premise of Blind Kiss is intriguing, and I confess I expected there to be some angst. What I didn’t expect was for the book to leave me emotionally exhausted and exasperated.
I love L.J. Shen’s writing, but I’m afraid this The End Zone missed the mark for me. Let me start by saying that I don’t have the same expectations for novellas as I do for full-length novels. It’s extremely difficult to convey a well-rounded storyline with fully developed characters in under 150 pages.
Christina Lauren, what have you done to me??? I am a hot mess right now. I’m talking about ALL the feels, ya’ll. Love and Other Words is an adult contemporary romance that is equal parts coming of age, friends becoming lovers, loss and heartache, and second chance romance—all combined in one potent fictional cocktail. It is 100% amazing!
My first love has always been musical theatre, and I’ve now read two books in a row centering around the lives and loves of Broadway performers. It could be that I’m in a sentimental mood, but reading Roomies released mega endorphins and, quite simply, it made my heart happy.
I’m in awe of Lauren Blakely’s ability to rapidly write hit after hit. The sheer volume of her work is jaw dropping, but it’s the consistent quality of her rom-coms that is truly impressive. Hard Wood marks the end of her Big Rock compilation, and what a way to go out. This book had me smiling so hard my face hurt.
If it were possible to be in a romantic relationship with a novel, I would marry Dark Wild Night. In fact, I’d happily participate in a ménage à quatre with the entire Wild Seasons series. Does that make me weird? If so, I careth not!
Lauren Blakely has become my go-to author when I’m looking for a lighthearted escape. Her romantic comedies are pure joy and 100% addictive. Most Valuable Playboy takes several tropes—sports romance, friends-to-lovers, and best friend’s sister—and manages to combine them successfully.