Category: Romance

Blog Tour: Review, Excerpt & Mega Giveaway ♥ Thief of Hearts by L.H. Cosway

Blog Tour: Review, Excerpt & Mega Giveaway ♥ Thief of Hearts by L.H. Cosway

Perhaps my expectations for Thief of Hearts were a tad too high. When I read the synopsis, I had visions of Julia Roberts and George Clooney in Ocean’s Eleven dancing in my head as I envisioned a massive heist/love affair placed in a fine art setting. The book may lack the wow factor I anticipated, but it is still quite charming.

Review ♥ Heaven, Texas by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Review ♥ Heaven, Texas by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Susan Elizabeth Phillips has a unique way of combining romance with laugh out loud humor and then mixing in unusual characters to create an engaging rom-com story. Heaven, Texas has her distinctive funny, sexy style written all over it. This is the second book in the Chicago Stars series but can be read as a standalone. While I didn’t like this book as much as It Had to Be You, I still found it to be quite enjoyable.

Review: The Silent Waters by Brittainy C. Cherry

Review: The Silent Waters by Brittainy C. Cherry

  Fair warning. This review is probably going to suck because there’s nothing I can say that will adequately convey the way The Silent Waters affected me. I admit I was hesitant to read it. I wasn’t sure I was emotionally prepared for a book whose synopsis clearly states that it’s heartbreaking and tragic. However, I have absolutely no regrets about reading this book other than the fact that I’m now left with a massive book hangover.