Series: Knitting in the City #5
Published by Caped Publishing on January 19th 2016
Pages: 308


There are three things you need to know about Fiona Archer… I would tell you what they are, but then I’d have to kill you.
But I can tell you that Fiona’s husband—the always irrepressible and often cantankerous Greg Archer—is desperately in love with his wife. He aches for her when they are apart, and is insatiable when they are together. Yet as the years pass, Greg has begun to suspect that Fiona is a ninja. A ninja mom. A ninja wife. A ninja friend. After fourteen years of marriage, Greg is trying not to panic. Because Fiona’s talent for blending in is starting to resemble fading away.
However, when unexpected events mean Fiona must take center stage to keep her family safe, her response stuns everyone—Greg most of all. It seems like Greg’s wish has come true.
Except… not.
When all is said and done, can Greg handle this new version of his wife? Will his irrepressible cantankerousness push her away? Or can the couple find a way forward without either being forced to step back into the shadows?
This is a full length, 100k word novel, and is the 5th book in the Knitting in the City Series. All books in the series can be read as a standalone except book #1.5
I don’t care how long you’ve been a couple before you make it official; marriage is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work whether you’ve been married two years or twenty years. It’s far too rare to find romance novels with main characters in their thirties and forties. As an older reader, I’m so grateful that Penny Reid penned a humorous yet thoughtful story featuring a mature married couple dealing with real life issues.
Happily Ever Ninja continues the story of Fiona and Greg. Their history is covered in the prequel, Ninja at First Sight, which is available for free download, but it is also included as Part 1 in this book. Fiona and Greg have been married for 14 years. While they are still very much in love, Fiona finds herself overwhelmed by everyday problems to which anyone who is married with kids can relate— juggling work and family, domestic responsibilities, financial concerns—all the while trying to maintain a passionate connection as husband and wife. It can cause stress in the best relationships. How Fiona and Greg deal with these complications is the main focus of the story.
I loved him and I always would. But that was the easy part. Working to deserve him and demanding that he work to deserve me, everyday—that was hard.
Greg is just as irreverent and loving as ever. He’s extremely protective of Fiona, almost to her detriment. Fiona is admirably strong, but she’s a people pleaser who nurtures others to the point of sacrificing her own needs. The drama created by their shortcomings and lack of communication frustrated me at times. However, the issues are completely authentic, and the tension is well balanced by an abundance of humor.
Ninja Ever After is a difficult book to categorize. It’s part romantic comedy, part drama, part action, and altogether engrossing and uplifting. I couldn’t put it down. Each chapter begins with notes and letters written by actual couples. Some are delightfully funny; most are romantic and poignant. It’s a nice touch that struck a chord with me. Penny Reid has a winner on her hands with an enchanting, heartfelt story of enduring love.
** Advance Reader Copy received in exchange for an honest review. **
Even so, I attempted to keep my tone level and calm. “What could be too important for the greeting card aisle? It’s the perfect place to tell me anything and everything. There’s likely a card we can buy afterward for the occasion.”
She huffed a laugh, laughed a bit more, and then began crying again.
Her laughter was a good sign, so I went with it.
“Let’s see . . .” I shuffled us both to the rack and plucked a greeting card from it. “You tell me if this one describes your situation.” I cleared my throat and began to read, “Dear Brother, Many blessings on your fortieth birthday. May your girlfriend bring home that hot girl she works with and suggest a three-way.”
Fiona began laughing in earnest, burying her face against my chest.
I returned the original card, walked us a few steps farther down the aisle, and selected another card at random. “Here’s another. Dear Friend, Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I am so lucky to have you in my life, especially after that time I hit you with my car and salted the earth around your house.
I cracked a smile as I grabbed another card. She was laughing so hard she could barely breathe.
“Dear Co-worker, Get well soon. Sorry about the scorpions in your bed. And the leprosy. And the chlamydia.”
“Stop! I can’t- I can’t breathe.” Fiona gripped the front of my shirt as though she needed my solid frame to remain upright.
I took one more step and picked a new card. “Dear Dad, Happy Father’s Day. I know I’m not your favorite child, but I hope you will . . . you will . . .” I stopped reading because Fiona had stopped laughing.
In fact, she’d grown eerily still, though her fists remained anchored in my shirt. I don’t think she was even breathing.
She released an audible exhale—as though bracing herself—and titled her head back. New tears shone in her eyes and she looked . . . emotional.
Not sad. Not worried or scared. Just emotional.
And I knew.
“I’m going to be a dad,” I said.
She nodded, her mouth wanting to smile but her eyes betraying the disordered chaos of her thoughts.
I had no idea what she was thinking.
I had no idea what I was thinking.
But I felt like I’d just been punched, slapped across the face. And it felt scary. And good.
I felt like I was the king of the universe, the luckiest man alive.
I felt panic, because I didn’t know how to be a dad, at least not the kind I wanted to be.
I felt a bizarre surge of pride, of accomplishment.
I felt a heady wave of possessiveness, for this woman I loved, for the child we’d made. I felt responsible.
But I did not feel burdened.
And I knew nothing would ever be the same.
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