Series: Elements of Chemistry #2
Published by Caped Publishing on April 24th 2015
Pages: 188


Four days left.
Private beach (…and boat).
Not so invisible girl.
And maybe less of a jerk-faced bully than originally thought.
What’s the worst (or the best) that could happen?Kaitlyn is finding life outside of the science cabinet of obscurity to be quite illuminating …and so are her pants.
When things heat up between Kaitlyn Parker and Martin—previously known as the jerk-faced bully—Sandeke, she places her trust in the one person she never thought capable of earning it, let alone keeping it safe. Fortunately or unfortunately for Kaitlyn, where she gives her trust she can’t help but also give her heart.
But how will the world beyond the sanctuary of their newfound connection react to their relationship? Soon senators, chinless billionaires, and elements beyond Martin and Kaitlyn’s control want to weigh in on the young couple’s future.
Navigating the chaotic inferno of new love might be more than Kaitlyn bargained for, and much, much more than her trust—or her heart—can handle.
I’m not sure how Penny Reid did it, but she maintained the momentum in part two of the Elements of Chemistry series. In fact, she grabbed my attention from the first chapter, blew my mind, and I wound up loving it every bit as much as part one, Attraction.
The story picks up moments after that huge bombshell discovery at the house party. After Martin manages to redeem himself, Kaitlyn and Martin’s relationship is back on track and they are closer than ever. Kaitlyn tries come to terms with the unfamiliar sexual urges she’s feeling.
“I think my pants are the president of the Martin Sandeke sensual promise fan club.”
Things are moving fast, and Kaitlyn still questions Martins feelings for her. Martin is a man filled with passion and he urges her to stop being so analytical for once in her life.
“Why do people care about each other? What is attraction? I can’t give you a list of reasons why I react to you like I do. This isn’t an equation to balance. You’re the one I’m always thinking about. It’s you. It just it.”
The story wraps up their Spring Break week and then it’s back to reality. When their parents intrude on their relationship, how will it affect their relationship?
I’ve officially developed a girl crush on Kaitlyn Parker. I love smart characters and her hilarious and insightful observations make her even more charming.
“A beautiful man is the devil’s most potent weapon.”
Penny Reid continues to give her characters highlight-worthy quotes throughout this book.
“We can’t change the past. But we can change how much importance we allow it to have over our future.”
Let’s hope that’s true because we are left hanging with a huge mess at the end of this book. The series concludes with Capture.
Any thoughts? (Comments may be held for moderation.)