Series: First and Last #2
on June 14th 2016
Pages: 365

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Emily Wayborn has made a decision.
She might not fully trust handsome and deadly Reeve Sallis, but he is the one person that gives her what she needs. With Reeve she can finally be herself. Submitting to him is the only thing keeping her grounded as the rest of her life falls apart. But the hotelier is a master at keeping secrets and as she continues her quest for answers someone is making sure she doesn’t find them.
Time is running out and she is questioning everything she thought she knew about friendship and love. She must now make an impossible choice that will determine if she will survive with her heart…or at all.
Last Kiss is the conclusion to Laurelin Paige’s First and Last duet, and I must say I enjoyed it more than the previous book. The story picks up immediately following the jaw-dropping events at the end of First Touch. This book is like angst on steroids. It’s heady, erotic, completely enthralling, and I was hooked from the first chapter.
Reeve was a huge puzzle in the last book, and although he intrigued me, I didn’t like him. I thought he was an alpha a-hole, and I’m not one of those readers who is turned on by that type of protagonist. I finally came to understand what makes him tick in this story, and he’s so damn appealing and sexy that I’d stand in line to be dominated by him any day. Emily definitely belongs at the front of that line because the magnetism between her and Reeve is more intense than ever.
I had a couple issues with the story, the main one being Emily. She comes across as a subservient pushover. She is so indecisive and gullible that it clouds her judgment and leads her to do some really stupid things. It’s frustrating how Emily alternates between playing the martyr one moment and halfheartedly standing up for herself the next. Rehashing the same conflicts over and over grew tiresome.
The “blue raincoat” safe word incident was the catalyst that instigated whole story, but ultimately I felt it amounted to melodrama. Perhaps the ending is meant to be a plot twist. Who knows? I came to the same conclusion earlier in the story, though, so it lost some of the desired impact. Even so, the mystery and suspense throughout kept me completely engrossed in the story.
Laurelin Paige’s writing is truly exceptional, and she wrings every last ounce of emotions out of the multi-faceted characters. Last Kiss is an irresistibly enticing, turbulent, and sensual experience.
Recommended for fans of:
Pseudo love triangles
** ARC received in exchange for an honest review. **
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Last Kiss
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First Touch
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