Series: Hoops #1
Published by Self-Published on March 22nd 2018
Pages: 460
Format: ARC
Genres: Contemporary, Sports Romance


Think you know what it's like being a baller's girl? You don't. My fairy tale is upside down. A happily never after. I kissed the prince and he turned into a fraud. I was a fool, and his love - fool's gold. Now there's a new player in the game, August West. One of the NBA's brightest stars. Fine. Forbidden. He wants me. I want him. But my past, my fraudulent prince, just won't let me go
*Certain aspects of this story may be sensitive for some readers.
I am a fan of Kennedy Ryan’s work, and I have a weakness for sports romances. When I found out Long Shot isn’t a comedy like most books in the genre, I was intrigued. Another selling point is that it takes place in the world of profession basketball; whereas, the majority of sports romances I’ve read are related to hockey, football, or baseball. That combination should have made Long Shot a slam dunk for me, but I found myself liking rather than loving it.
My initial surprise came from the expectation that this is first and foremost a love story. I suppose technically it is a sports romance, but the book reads more like contemporary fiction than what I’d categorize as romance. There is definitely passion, but it takes a backseat to the story’s impactful message.
Kennedy Ryan is gifted at writing timely, socially relevant, sensitive, and controversial topics from which other authors might shy away. This story creates a greater understanding of important subject matters that are not often seen as clearly from the different vital perspectives this book provides.
The synopsis states that, “Certain aspects of this story may be sensitive for some readers”. I think that is an understatement. It is unflinchingly realistic, for which the author deserves kudos. The story isn’t intended to make the reader feel comfortable. In fact, the opposite it true. However, for me there’s a difference between brutal honesty and unrelenting emotional onslaught. Chapter after chapter assailed me, and I was drained by the end. Effective? Yes. Is it too much? For me, yes, and I think it’s important for sensitive readers to know that going in.
The pacing is slow which makes the book feel long. The suspense, though, is wonderful, and if you like angst you will find an ample amount here. The characters are well developed and the relationships are fascinating. Between the cast of characters and the enlightening message, it’s safe to say I liked Long Shot. Perhaps if I had adjusted my expectations I would have liked it even more.
**I voluntarily read an early copy of this book. It does not change my opinion or the content of my honest review.**
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