Published by EverAfter Romance on March 14th 2016
Pages: 402


From NYT Bestseller Alessandra Torre...The sexy serial that exploded on Cosmopolitan.com is now a full-length, standalone novel.
Chloe Madison.That’s me. A former NYU princess who just fell from grace, right off my pampered Manhattan throne and onto the unforgiving steps of Nicole Brantley, socialite and queen bitch. Now, I walk her dog and mix her smoothies. Try to navigate my own problems while fixing all of hers.
I want what every New York girl wants. A career, an apartment, and true love, preferably in a smoking hot package.
It turns out I’ll have to fight for all of it.
Alessandra Torre FTW! Love, Chloe is like the beautiful love child of a Sex and the City, The Devil Wears Prada, and The Nanny Diaries orgy.
Chloe Madison is having a tough year. She’s a pampered NYC socialite who rapidly descends into the land of commoners after her parents are indicted for insider trading fraud. Left with no home, no diploma, and no money, Chloe pulls up her big girl panties and manages to find a job as a personal assistant to a B-list actress/condom heiress. Too bad Nicole Brantley is such an unreasonable, demanding, inconsiderate, miserable, just-plain-bitchy boss. To make matters worse, her cheating ex-boyfriend won’t leave her alone. At least she’s got her two best friends by her side for support, all her old designer clothes to stay fashionable, and a super hot building super to fantasize over.
I loved Chloe. The girl may have been entitled and lord knows she has the worst parents imaginable, but she’s not an obnoxious snob or a whiner. Her adaptability really appealed to me, and I loved seeing her evolve throughout her year and a half journey of independence.
Chloe’s relationship with Carter is so sweet, with just the right amount of steam. I felt the business with Chloe’s ex-boyfriend went on way too long though and ventured into Annoyingville. However, it’s a minor hiccup in an otherwise charming story.
This book screams fun and flirty. Between the clever chapter titles – “The Benefits of Grape Bubblegum,” “My Middle Name is Classy,” “Cupcakes Heal Most Wounds,” My Penniless Ass is FREE” – and the entertaining Instagram photos, Alessandra Torre has taken a rather familiar storyline and repackaged it into a fresh and highly enjoyable experience.
Recommended for fans of:
Romantic comedy
Fallen socialites
Bitchy bosses
Sex and the City
The Devil Wears Prada
**ARC received in exchange for an honest review.**
Events for Love, Chloe
MARCH 14 – 21: Goodreads Buddy Read Event
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TUESDAY MARCH 15: Goodreads Party
Time of Party #1: 1 – 2 PM EST
Time of Party #2: 10 – 11 PM EST
Link to join Parties: https://goo.gl/Btqbc3
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TUESDAY MARCH 22: Release Party:
Event is from 9-10:30 PM EST
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All DAY Instagram Giveaway
https://www.instagram.com/alessandratorre4/ | @AlessandraTorre4
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Twitter Party 10:30 – Midnight EST @ ReadAlessandra
Use #ReadChloe to participate
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