Series: Man Hands #4
Published by Tuxbury Publishing LLC on November 19, 2019
Pages: 254
Format: ARC
Genres: Romance, Romantic Comedy

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A new comedy from the USA Today bestselling duo!
A good cop can always spot trouble. That’s why my senses started pinging the moment I met the hottie next door. The neighborhood may never be the same. First she confuses me for a male stripper and tries to remove my uniform. (The guys on the force will never let me live that down.) And then there’s the breaking and entering.I don’t know what to do with her. My libido has a few ideas of its own, though. Bad, bad ideas.Meg
Hey, it’s not my fault that Hot Cop’s nightstick gets excited every time we see each other. And I can’t help that someone broke into his apartment. Fine—that last thing was totally my fault. And I intend to make amends. So when he needs a date for his sister’s wedding, I’m there. This is right up my alley. I’m an actor. By the time it’s over, his entire family will believe we’re a couple. Even him.Warning: may cause unrestrained giggling in public. Contains: a bridezilla with a turkey leg, a flash mob, and a growly hero.
Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby are back with the latest standalone in their entertaining Man Hands series. Right off the bat I knew Man Cuffed would be a quirky romantic comedy.
Meg is a struggling actress who works as a serving wench at a Renaissance-themed restaurant. While slinging ale and turkey legs for a bachelorette party, she mistakes Macguire, a real cop, for the party’s police stripper. Strippers at a Renaissance pub?? That’s Sarina Bowen and Tanya Eby’s kooky sense of humor for you. I loved it.
Meg, Meg, Meg. She’s the real star of the book, and oh how I adored her cheeky, magnetic personality. Faced with a decade of rejection, Meg is beginning to doubt her career choice. Even so, she remains easy going and positive.
Meg is biracial, and I really appreciated that the book touches on how difficult it is for minorities to get a break in the entertainment industry, but the story doesn’t dwell heavily on it. Meg’s race isn’t even a factor in her relationship with Mac, who is Caucasian. I love seeing more biracial romances that mirror real life.
If you’re looking for the whole package, Macguire is your guy. He’s gainfully employed, a magician in the sack, and he enjoys rescuing damsels in distress. However, he is emotionally unavailable and is not willing to commit to a romantic relationship – especially a potentially messy one with his next door neighbor. Mac refuses to act on their mutual attraction, and I enjoyed both the flirtatious build up to their affair and the payoff. It’s fun watching Meg draw Mac from his shell.
There is some family drama that didn’t quite ring true for me, but it’s a small part of the story. I had a massive perma smile on my face while reading Man Cuffed. From the meet cute at the beginning to the hilarious epilogue, this screwball rom-com is a delight.
Recommended for fans of:
Renaissance role playing
Screwball romantic comedy
Flash mobs
Erotica-loving cops
* I received an early copy of this book to voluntarily read. *
Great review! This is on my TBR, so hopefully I can get to it soon.
This wasn’t my favorite in the series, but it was still a good time and exactly what I needed.