Series: The Games Duet #1
Published by Flip City Media Inc. on October 22nd 2016
Pages: 300

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That’s all Adam Steinbeck demands of his wife.Thirty days in a remote cottage, doing everything he demands. After that, he’ll sign her divorce papers and give her complete ownership of their company.THIRTY DAYS
That’s how long he has to rediscover the man he once was. The Dominant Master he hid when he fell in love with her five years ago.THIRTY DAYS
She wants the business they built badly enough to go to the cottage for a month. Cut off ties to the world and do his bidding. She can submit to him with her body, but her heart will never yield.She thinks this is his pathetic attempt to repair their marriage.
She’s wrong.
I don’t dabble in BDSM, and I certainly don’t consider myself to be a submissive, but I’ll be damned if Marriage Games didn’t dominate my thoughts during waking hours and my dreams while sleeping. This story is tenacious in its refusal to let me go.
Diana’s demand for a divorce as well as ownership of all their joint business holdings takes Adam by surprise. His entire life revolves around his love for her.
His choice to suppress his dominant desires in favor of loving her leaves him conflicted and owned by her in many ways.
I wanted her to go.
I wanted her to stay.
I wanted her on my terms.
I wanted her on any terms.
I wanted to be cured of the disease of love.
I wanted to be cured of want.
The story flip flops between present and past. This normally irritates me as it tends to interrupt the flow. In this case, I was completely immersed throughout. I can’t imagine the plot and the perspectives of both characters merging so seamlessly without this approach.
Reiss takes the reader along on Adam’s journey towards finally living authentically as well as Diana’s evolution of self-discovery. It’s a sensual, emotional, and enthralling process as barriers are broken and truths are revealed.
Spread me like a sheet of paper. Write your life on mine. Fold past and present together like a letter. I am yours.
If you’re looking for a simple, comfortable story, this is not the book for you. Expect complexity on top of warring emotions, and then add tension and frustration in for good measure. You’ll be begging for more.
I’ve read my fair share of books by CD Reiss, and this may be my favorite work of hers so far. She has exceeded my expectations with her simply astonishing writing style and flawless execution of the plot. In the end, to me the book is only partially about a marriage and more about enlightenment, boundaries, and acceptance.
I absolutely devoured Marriage Games and immediately begged for seconds. Unfortunately, it ends on a cliffhanger that made me want to scream. However, I don’t think the story can be effectively told in one book. There is so much more to explore. I can only hope that the final book, Separation Games, is as gratifying as this one.
Recommended for fans of:
Complex stories
Marriage plots
Cottages in the winter
**ARC received in exchange for an honest review.**
“Trust me.” I said it so low she was just within range to hear it. “Five minutes. Then we don’t have to fight over the car.”
I stepped back and set my watch with a beep. It wasn’t about the car for her. The Jag was the least of her worries, but it was a tangible justification.
For the downcast eyes. For the way her breathing changed. Maybe every bone in her body was vanilla. Maybe not.
“Quit any time,” I said. “Just say the word.”
She laid her hands on her hips.
Curled her fingers.
Gripped fabric.
Pulled up her skirt.
The tops of her thighs came into view then met at the crotch. I was hard already and made no move to hide it. She noticed and stopped moving the skirt.
“Higher,” I said as if telling her how to center a picture over the couch. Higher was where it had to be. It wasn’t a request.
Up it went, revealing cotton underwear in a pink so pale they were almost white.
“Now what?” she asked.
“How do you feel?”
“Weird, Adam. Really weird.”
“Because I’m standing here with my skirt around my waist? Because you told me to? For a car, no less, which is creepy.”
She was so honest. I ached for her honesty.
“You’re not obeying me for an object. You’re obeying me so I do something. Take an action or don’t.”
“You think that’s not weird?”
“No, I don’t. And we have four minutes.” I stepped forward. Part of her discomfort was in the physical distance between us. I’d stepped away so she didn’t feel threatened, but my gaze was keeping her from relaxing. I kept my eyes on hers. I could smell her perfume and feel the shortness of her breath. “Are you turned on?”
“Sex isn’t going to get me back. I’m sorry—”
“Touch yourself.”
Her initial shock and offense lasted only a second before she pressed her lips together and reached down, shoulders angling, hand thrusting as if checking to make sure her cunt was still there.
We have hundreds of bones in our bodies, and sometimes we won’t acknowledge the preferences of the ones that scare us.
“Are you wet?”
“A little.”
I gripped the edge of the vanity and put my lips near her cheek, millimeters from touching her.
“You don’t love me anymore,” I whispered. “But I could always make you wet, and you always came for me. Like our Italy vacation. In Florence. Coming back from that club, in the little alley. Against the wall. I ripped through your underwear.”
Her breathing got shallow and fast.
“I fucked you in the dark, and when you came, you screamed my name so loud all the lights in the apartments went on.”
“That was good.” She turned her face toward mine.
When her lips nearly touched me, I pulled away just enough. “I said I wouldn’t touch you.”
“I changed my mind.”
I wasn’t fooled. Her arousal was talking. I owned her. She’d do whatever I told her. But I wanted something very simple. I wanted her pleasure. “Take the juice from your cunt and rub it on your clit. Make it wet.”
“What’s come over you?”
“Do it.” I felt her arm move against me. “Rub back and forth. Be consistent. One-two-one-two.”
When I felt that she had it, I stepped back. She stopped. Her knees were bent slightly and her fingers had taken her cunt from the side of the crotch, not the waistband. She never ceased to surprise me.
“One-two-one-two, huntress.”
“Is this your way of getting back at me?”
“One-two-one-two. Let me see you come. You’re so beautiful when you come. You’ve gone this far.”
Her body must have been able to override her mind, because she moved her finger again, closing her eyes. Her cheeks reddened and her knees bent more deeply.
“In Florence. An hour after we got to the hotel. I came so deep in you that night. I fucked you from behind with your leg up on the dresser. I wanted to thrust my whole body inside you. I loved you that much. And I gave up who I was. Last night, at the club, I remembered what I was. I was a man who was obeyed. I dominated women, and they submitted to me. The result was what you’re about to feel. Complete pleasure.”
She let out a long, low groan, leaning on the vanity, twisting. I could have fucked her right then. I could have bent her over the counter and pounded her. But that wasn’t the point. No. Watching her hand move under her clothes because I commanded it. That was the point.
An uh escaped her throat. Years of marriage had taught me that meant she was about to come.
My watch beeped.
“Time’s up,” I said.
Her eyes went wide. Her hand stopped.
“Thank you,” I said. “We’re done. I’ll send you the title to the car. You might want to pull your skirt down, since I can’t lock the door from the outside.”
It was hard to walk away from her panting, bent frame without tasting her cunt or even seeing more of her reaction, but I turned the corner, unlocked the door, and left the bathroom.
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