Series: One Night #3
Published by Forever on January 22, 2015
Pages: 432
Genres: Contemporary, Romance

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A life without secrets and a passion without end . . .The story of Livy and M's passionate love affair comes to a stunning conclusion in the final book in the One Night trilogy!
Livy has never known pure desire like this. The gorgeous Miller Hart captivates her, seduces her, and worships her in deliciously sinful ways. He knows her innermost thoughts, drawing her ever deeper into his dangerous world.
Miller will do anything to keep Livy safe, even if it means risking his own life. But his dark history isn't the only thing that threatens their future together. As the truth of Livy's family legacy unravels, an unsettling parallel between past and present comes to light. Her world spinning out of control, Livy finds herself caught between the rapture of an all-consuming love-and a deadly obsession that could destroy them both . . .
We’ve come to the end of the One Night trilogy with One Night Unveiled, and I savored every last word of the final book.
The story picks up in New York City, two weeks after Miller and Olivia fled London and the “interferers”. We see a more casual side to Miller (clad in jeans!) as the couple fills their days with sightseeing and nurturing their love. However, they are soon forced to return to London and must face the hard questions that Olivia has been avoiding. How can Miller truly be free from his past? How much does Nan know? Did she really see her mother in the airport? Is their love strong enough to hold them together through anything?
It was nice to see how much Miller has grown. Gone is the Miller who frequently flew into jealous psychotic rages in an instant. It was as if he had grown more secure in Olivia’s love. His obsessive compulsions also seem to be more relaxed. What’s not more relaxed are the sex scenes. The steam factor increased significantly in this book!
While I would like to have seen more of the secondary characters Gregory, Nan and George, I think fans of the series will find this a very satisfying conclusion. The epilogue from Miller’s POV is a nice bonus for readers.
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