That’s a Wrap! November 2017

That’s a Wrap! November 2017

December 3, 2017 Angela Reading Goals, Wrap Up

I can’t believe it’s December already! November flew by, but somewhere along the way I found time to read a bunch of 5 and 4½ star books. I’m on a winning streak, I tell you! This is the final That’s a Wrap! of 2017, so it’s a great time to do a progress update on my 2017 Reading Goals. How do you think I’m doing? I’m kind of nervous about January when I’ll be evaluate how I did throughout all of 2017. First, though, take a look at all the books reviewed in November. Click on any title to read the full review.

Audiobook Review ♥ Wicked Heart by Leisa Rayven

Audiobook Review ♥ Wicked Heart by Leisa Rayven

Broadway, Hollywood, and a second a chance at romance. I’m a proud member of the Theatre Geek Society, so normally I’d be all over this story, but (you knew there was a but coming) there was one problem. Wicket Heart is the third book in the Starcrossed series. I already read the first book, Bad Romeo. You know how in some book reviews the reviewer says they didn’t love it, didn’t hate it? Well, suffice it to say that I pretty much hated Bad Romeo. I finished it, but then decided to wash my hands of the follow-up. When I heard there was a third book, I really didn’t give it a second thought. Some friends convinced me to give it a try, though, and you know what? It’s awesome.

Review: The Understatement of the Year

Review: The Understatement of the Year

November 22, 2017 Angela LGBTQ, Reviews, Romance, Sports Romance

Go ahead and place another tick mark in Sarina Bowen’s “winner” column. If you’ve ever been curious about reading M/M romance, The Understatement of the Year makes an excellent introduction to the genre. It’s a college sports romance that focuses predominately on relationships and emotional intimacy rather than overly explicit sexual activity. It’s more like M/M light, if you will.

Blog Tour & Review ♥ American King by Sierra Simone

Blog Tour & Review ♥ American King by Sierra Simone

November 8, 2017 Angela Blog Tours, Erotica, LGBTQ, Reviews, Romance

Put a fork in me. I’m done. American King officially slayed me! It is the heart-pounding, breathtaking conclusion to the New Camelot Trilogy. It delivered the fatal blow after pummeling my emotions, but American King just might be my favorite book of the three. As a side note, the trilogy is extremely intricate, with multiple players and cliffhangers galore. For maximum enjoyment, I suggest readers clear their schedules and devote a good chunk of time to reading the three books back to back.

Review: Hooking Up by Helena Hunting

Review: Hooking Up by Helena Hunting

November 7, 2017 Angela Reviews, Romantic Comedy

I’m pretty sure Hooking Up was written for me. It certainly seems that way. If I made a checklist of everything I love in a romantic comedy, this book would have every single box checked, plus a couple of write-ins. It’s a DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) book that hooked me from the prologue to the epilogue. I devoured it in one day.

Review: Bountiful by Sarina Bowen

Review: Bountiful by Sarina Bowen

November 6, 2017 Angela Reviews, Romance

Sarina Bowen’s True North series is consistently refreshing. All the books take place in the same sleepy Vermont farming town. While they involve interconnecting characters, each book is a standalone with a distinctly different feel. Bountiful is like a warm fuzzy blanket. It’s a cozy romance featuring a bartender/barista/baker, a baby, and a babe.

That’s a Wrap! October 2017

That’s a Wrap! October 2017

November 5, 2017 Angela Reading Goals, Wrap Up

What a great month October was! I attended the Big Apple Author Event in New York City. It was the largest signing I’ve been to, and I can’t believe I got to meet so many of my favorite authors. I even met my dream author: the one and only Penny Reid. She’s super sweet! I won’t tell you all of the authors at the signing because I don’t want you to start drinking the Haterade, but I will say I met some authors who rarely tour anywhere close to me. Sarina Bowen, Jodi Ellen Malpas, K. Bromberg, Sara Ney, L.H. Cosway, Brittainy Cherry, and Renee Carlino were just a few in attendance. Would I leave my followers totally hanging? No! I picked up some signed books for you guys. I’m waiting for the right time to give them away.