My Month of Rejuvenation ♥ That’s a Wrap! April 2017

My Month of Rejuvenation ♥ That’s a Wrap! April 2017

Blogging is a great hobby. It is satisfying to recommend books that readers might not discover otherwise. It is also a special privilege to be entrusted with an advanced copy of a book to review. I appreciate the opportunity to offer potential readers a reason to look forward to a book’s release. However, at times if feels like a stressful, unpaid job—complete with deadlines, behind the scenes logistics, and unrealistic expectations of myself. It’s the reason I came up with my list of 2017 Reading Goals. Despite my good intentions, I was beginning to feel burned out.

Review ♥ Mr. President by Katy Evans

Review ♥ Mr. President by Katy Evans

April 27, 2017 Angela Contemporary, Reviews, Romance

I quite enjoyed the beginning of Mr. President. Once I got to the heart of the story, though, one thought kept repeating in my mind: “Am I reading the same book as all my friends?” When this book was released, my Goodreads feed exploded with people gushing about it. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I finished the book feeling disappointed—like 2.5 to 3 stars unsatisfied.