Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway ♥ Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway ♥ Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” I officially have a girl crush on Melanie Harlow. I’m in love with her writing style, and in awe of all the original, entertaining characters she creates. I have yet to read a book of hers I haven’t liked, and with Some Sort of Love the streak remains unbroken. It’s the third book in the Happy Crazy Love series, but you don’t need to read the previous books to enjoy the story.

Blog Tour, Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: Happily Ever Ninja by Penny Reid

Blog Tour, Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: Happily Ever Ninja by Penny Reid

I don’t care how long you’ve been a couple before you make it official; marriage is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work whether you’ve been married two years or twenty years. It’s far too rare to find romance novels with main characters in their thirties and forties. As an older reader, I’m so grateful that Penny Reid penned a humorous yet thoughtful story featuring a mature married couple dealing with real life issues.

Review ♥ Jockblocked by Jen Frederick

Review ♥ Jockblocked by Jen Frederick

February 7, 2016 Angela New Adult, Reviews, Sports Romance

I must be addicted to college sports romances because even though they tend to be somewhat formulaic, I can’t seem to get enough of them. There’s usually a hot shot, sexy athlete (typically a football or hockey player) who enjoys bonking a different co-ed each night and is allergic to commitment—that is until he meets a pretty girl who doesn’t date athletes. He wants to get in her pants, but she’s unimpressed by him. That challenge makes him want to win her over even more. She finally relents and he is transformed into a committed, love addicted man, and they both live happily ever after. The End.

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Always Room for Cupcakes by Bethany Lopez

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Always Room for Cupcakes by Bethany Lopez

I really enjoyed the premise of this fun little story. Lila is proof that you can’t keep a good woman down. Her life changes in an instant when she catches her husband cheating in an unexpectedly humorous way. Suddenly, she goes from being a sensible stay at home mom of twins to being a feisty investigative photographer devoted to catching unfaithful partners in flagrante delicto.

Review: Never Never: Part 3 by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

Review: Never Never: Part 3 by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

February 3, 2016 Angela Mystery, Reviews, Young Adult

After a disappointing book two I’m happy to say things are back on track with the quality of storytelling. For one thing, this time around Charlie is actually in the book full-time – not as a guest star. The mystery of Silas and Charlie’s recurring memory loss is just as intriguing as ever, and while I still consider it to be a page-turner, the story unfolds at a more languid pace. It’s a welcome break from the Xanax inducing tension in the previous two books. The developing relationship between this version of Silas and Charlie is fun and sweet. I’ve liked Silas from the beginning, and I really adore him in this book.

Review ♥ Big Rock by Lauren Blakely

Review ♥ Big Rock by Lauren Blakely

I can pretty much sum up my review in five words. I. Effing. Loved. This. Book. I wasn’t sure I would like it because I’m not into covers with mostly naked men—shocking, I know. I always feel like they’re overcompensating for a small…plot. And really the basis of the story isn’t anything deep or even original. Best friends pretend to be a couple, but eventually they cross the line between pretending and genuinely feeling something more. The End. Right? Except not so much in this case.

That’s a Wrap! January 2016

That’s a Wrap! January 2016

January 31, 2016 Angela Wrap Up

  My reading goal this year is 100 books. That may seem like a crazy number of books, but I think I can do it. It’s definitely easier to read a book that I love versus a so-so book. 2016 started off with a bang with some truly awesome reads. Here’s a wrap up of books I reviewed in January. Click the link to read my review.

Review ♥ Getting Rough by C. L. Parker

Review ♥ Getting Rough by C. L. Parker

January 30, 2016 Angela Erotica, Reviews

Getting Rough is the second book in the Monkey Business trio. It continues the enemies to lovers story of Shaw and Cassidy, two competitive sports agents. The first book, Playing Dirty, heavily emphasized their animosity, and I enjoyed their verbal sparring and underhanded rivalry—not to mention their smoking hot chemistry. This book, however, focuses more on their transition from adversaries to acquaintances to lovers.

Cover Reveal ♥ Us by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy

Cover Reveal ♥ Us by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy

January 29, 2016 Angela Cover Reveal

To say I was a fan of Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy would be a huge understatement. I’ve been counting down the days until the sequel, Us, is released. In the meantime, I’ve been stalking them keeping my eyes open for any information and – lo and behold – we have a cover! This should tide me over for the next month or so. I guess.