Format: Audiobook

Review ♥ Where Sea Meets Sky by Karina Halle

Review ♥ Where Sea Meets Sky by Karina Halle

September 15, 2016 Angela Reviews

I’m waffling between 2.5 stars and 3 stars on this one. The thing I enjoyed about the most about Where Sea Meets Sky: Josh. I loved Josh. His quirkiness, passion, patience, fearlessness, and honesty make him wildly appealing. I just wish he didn’t allow himself to be such a doormat.

Review ♥ Kulti by Mariana Zapata

Review ♥ Kulti by Mariana Zapata

This book! I’m still floored. Truth: I’ve wanted to read Kulti for quite some time, but I was put off by the long length. I finally caved when I discovered I could borrow the audio book from the library—16 hours worth of narration. I’m not gonna lie. Kulti has a detailed storyline that unfolds at an extremely leisurely pace. However, it’s totally absorbing. My only regret is waiting so long to read this!

Audiobook Review ♥ Beneath This Mask by Meghan March

Audiobook Review ♥ Beneath This Mask by Meghan March

Audiobook review. I’m not a huge fan of audiobooks. Narrators’ voices can grate on my nerves, my mind wanders so I have to constantly rewind, and the pacing frustrates me. I can read a book in half the time it takes to listen to one, and if I increase the speed the voices sound even more annoying. Color me surprised then that I enjoyed the Beneath This Mask audiobook so much. The story held my interest and the voice actors are phenomenal.