Genre: Mystery

Review ♥ Wild Aces by Marni Mann

Review ♥ Wild Aces by Marni Mann

February 16, 2016 Angela Erotica, Mystery, Reviews

When I finished Marni Mann’s Unblocked Collection, I had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. It felt like moving away from your best friends—their lives keep going on, but you drift apart and you no longer know what they’ve been up to. Marni Mann has gifted fans with a mini reunion in Wild Aces, but it is a standalone that can easily be enjoyed without reading the other books.

Review: He Will Be My Ruin by K.A. Tucker

Review: He Will Be My Ruin by K.A. Tucker

The book blurb should have the following warning: “You’d better hold on tight because you’re about to embark on one hell of a suspenseful rollercoaster.” Instead, the blurb says this book is, “sexy,” and, “hot.” I think that’s misleading. This isn’t a racy romance novel with a little whodunit thrown in. Yes, there are some romantic aspects that help propel the plot, but He Will Be My Ruin is first and foremost an edgy, hardcore, emotional thriller that kept me guessing until the end.

Review: Dawn of Forever by Jewel E. Ann

Review: Dawn of Forever by Jewel E. Ann

January 24, 2016 Angela Reviews, Romantic Suspense

“I want to be your everything, but only while I’m here. If the day comes that I’m not, then let me go. Let me be your greatest memory.” I’ve been singing the praises of the Jack & Jill series ever since I took a chance on End of Day, the amazingly unique first book in the trilogy. It’s incredibly hard to maintain that level of excellence throughout a series though, and—I’ll admit it—I’m a difficult reader to please. I braced myself for disappointment with Dawn of Forever. I threw down the gauntlet, daring Jewel E. Ann to impress me again, and wouldn’t you know she picked it up and ran with it? Jewel E. Ann has pulled off the virtually impossible by creating not one, not two, but three full-length novels of exceptional quality.

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway ♥ First Touch by Laurelin Page

Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway ♥ First Touch by Laurelin Page

January 4, 2016 Angela Blog Tours, Erotica, Mystery, Reviews

Well, that was… provocative? Disturbing? Aggravating? Intriguing? Yes, to all. What a compelling premise. Out of the blue, Emily receives a seemingly benign voicemail from her former best friend, Amber. What’s troubling is that Amber uses a safe word to indicate she’s in serious trouble. Emily tries to track her down only to discover Amber’s missing. Her search leads her to Reeve Sallis, a rich playboy with a dangerous, dubious reputation.

Forbidden by CD Reiss

Forbidden by CD Reiss

December 19, 2015 Angela Erotica, Mystery, Reviews

When I initially read the Songs of Perdition series, it only consisted of two books: Kick and Use. It seems like I’ve been waiting forever to find out what happened to Fiona. CD Reiss finally wrote the conclusion, Break, and then combined all three books into one full-length novel: Forbidden. Since I’ve already written reviews for Kick and Use, this review focuses primarily on Break. 

Use by CD Reiss

Use by CD Reiss

December 15, 2015 Angela Erotica, Mystery, Reviews

Use is the second book in the Songs of Perdition series and although book 1, Kick, made me quite uncomfortable, I was all too willing to hop onboard the CD Reiss train again. I’m so glad I did because this time around was better than the first, and I enjoyed every moment of the fascinating, edgy journey.

Kick by CD Reiss

Kick by CD Reiss

December 10, 2015 Angela Erotica, Mystery, Reviews

I feel conflicted about Kick. On the one hand, the writing is amazing: engaging, exciting, intense, and evocative. On the other hand, the main character, Fiona, deeply disturbs me. The fact that this is a novella with a well-rounded plot and a multi-dimensional main character, let alone a short story that causes discordant emotions, is a testament to CD Reiss’s skill as a writer.

Review: End of Day by Jewel E. Ann

Review: End of Day by Jewel E. Ann

Reading is one of my favorite pastimes, but when you’re an avid reader who reads well over 100 novels per year, many books tend to blend together. Authors that bring something fresh to the table stand a better chance of producing work that stands out. Jewel E. Ann brought her A-game with End of Day, and I can honestly say I’ve never read anything like it. She has woven together a gripping, intriguing, and clever novel that I could not put down. What a fantastic start to the Jack & Jill series.

Review: Move the Sun by Susan Fanetti

Review: Move the Sun by Susan Fanetti

I take it back; I like biker books after all. I’ve heard Susan Fanetti’s praises sung over and over, so I was eager to read one of her books. A friend suggested I start with this one, but I don’t consider myself to be a fan of Motorcycle Club books so I was braced for disappointment. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I enjoyed the heck out of this novel.