Genre: Romance

May Ultimate Reading Challenge Audiobook Review ♥ Nowhere but Here by Renée Carlino

May Ultimate Reading Challenge Audiobook Review ♥ Nowhere but Here by Renée Carlino

May Ultimate Reading Challenge 2018: Set in a Place You’d Like to Visit  My selection for May’s Ultimate Reading Challenge was Nowhere but Here by Renée Carlino, which is set in Napa Valley, California. Visiting the wine country is on my list of places to visit once I’m an empty nester. This month, I decided to listen to an audiobook.

Trailer & Review: Blood Type by K.A. Linde

Trailer & Review: Blood Type by K.A. Linde

It’s been ages since I’ve read a true paranormal novel. I’ve been in a bit of a reading rut, so it was the perfect time to shake things up a bit. When I read the synopsis for Blood Type I knew I couldn’t pass it up. It’s a paranormal romantic suspense, and while vampire stories are nothing new, the premise behind vampires and humans co-existing is really creative.