Series: New Camelot Trilogy #3
Published by Self-Published on October 31st 2017
Pages: 456

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They say that every tragic hero has a fatal flaw, a secret sin, a tiny stitch sewn into his future since birth. And here I am. My sins are no longer secret. My flaws have never been more fatal. And I’ve never been closer to tragedy than I am now.
I am a man who loves, a man whose love demands much in return. I am a king, a king who was foolish enough to build a kingdom on the bones of the past. I am a husband and a lover and a soldier and a father and a president.And I will survive this.
Long live the king.
Put a fork in me. I’m done. American King officially slayed me! It is the heart-pounding, breathtaking conclusion to the New Camelot Trilogy. It delivered the fatal blow after pummeling my emotions, but American King just might be my favorite book of the three. As a side note, the trilogy is extremely intricate, with multiple players and cliffhangers galore. For maximum enjoyment, I suggest readers clear their schedules and devote a good chunk of time to reading the three books back to back. Read More