Published by Self-Published on November 24th 2013
Pages: 282


I love two men. I screw two men. I am in a relationship with them both, and they are both aware there is another. That is all they need to know, that is all I let them know. They don’t need to know a name; they don’t need to know anything but that they are not alone in my heart.
They have accepted the situation.Stewart, because his life is too busy for the sort of obligations that are required in a relationship. Paul, because he loves me too much to tell me no. And because my sexual appetite is such that one man has trouble keeping up.
So we exist, two parallel relationships, each running their own course, with no need for intersection or conflict. It works for us, for them, and for me. I don’t expect it to be a long-term situation. I know there is an expiration date on the easy perfection of our lives.
I should have paid more attention, should have looked around and noticed the woman who watched it all. She sat in the background and waited, tried to figure me out. Saw my two relationships, the love between us, and the moment that it all fell apart.
She hates me.
I don’t even know she exists.
She loves them.
I love them.
And they love me.EVERYTHING else hangs in the balance.
Whew! Well, this book is aptly named. Virtually every chapter in the first half contains sex scenes. We’re talking panty melting, grab your fan, look-up-erotica-in-the-dictionary-and-see-this-book’s-cover sex scenes.
Madison is in a relationship with two men and she loves them both. And while it’s a love triangle, there’s no cheating involved because each man is aware of the other. Thank goodness because I shy away from romances involving infidelity.
Stewart is married to his work but still wants Madison in his bed when he is able to squeeze out moments for her in his schedule. Madison is fine with taking a back seat to his job, but makes it clear she’s going to be getting nookie wherever/whenever she can because she has an excessive sex drive. Stewart doesn’t like the idea of her having sex with a bunch of strangers so he tells her to get a nice boyfriend who can keep her safe, and shower her with attention (sex) when he’s unavailable. His stipulation is that she will be in an exclusive relationship with the two men. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around why Stewart thought this was a good idea and/or necessary. Anyway, Madison meets Paul, a carefree professional surfer. She asks him to complete the love triangle, and since he can’t stay away from her he agrees to this bizarre arrangement.
A third party gets introduced who could throw a wrench into things, and I got excited anticipating the angst that was to come. But then the plot and the characters’ motivations fizzled out. There wasn’t even any conflict over which man Madison should choose. (For me, it was pretty clear from the beginning.) I love Alessandra Torres’s writing style, but it felt like she got bored with her own story and was in a hurry to wrap things up. The ending is extremely rushed, with all issues miraculously resolved in one chapter to tie everything up into a nice tidy bow. Despite all that, I enjoyed the air of mystery and I was glued to the pages.
If you’re in the mood for a quick, extremely steamy read with a rather interesting plot, you won’t be disappointed by this book. Just don’t dive in expecting a logical, angst-filled novel with multidimensional characters.
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