Series: Elements #3
Published by BCherry Books Publishing on September 22nd 2016
Pages: 316


Our lives are a collection of moments. Some utterly painful and full of yesterday's hurts. Some beautifully hopeful and full of tomorrow's promises.
I’ve had many moments in my lifetime, moments that changed me, challenged me. Moments that scared me and engulfed me. However, the biggest ones—the most heartbreaking and breathtaking ones—all included him.
I was ten years old when I lost my voice. A piece of me was stolen away, and the only person who could truly hear my silence was Brooks Griffin. He was the light during my dark days, the promise of tomorrow, until tragedy found him. Tragedy that eventually drowned him in a sea of memories.
This is the story of a boy and girl who loved each other, but didn’t love themselves. A story of life and death. Of love and broken promises.
Of moments.
(Book Three in the Elements Series. Complete Standalone.)
Fair warning. This review is probably going to suck because there’s nothing I can say that will adequately convey the way The Silent Waters affected me. I admit I was hesitant to read it. I wasn’t sure I was emotionally prepared for a book whose synopsis clearly states that it’s heartbreaking and tragic. However, I have absolutely no regrets about reading this book other than the fact that I’m now left with a massive book hangover.
Every single character is so well developed I’d swear they are real people. I felt as if they were my father, my best friend, my sister, and my neighbor. The relationships between all characters—even the seemingly minor ones—are explored to their fullest advantage, making them integral to the entire storyline. I guarantee that you will ship Maggie and Brooks hard. Really hard.
“The world keeps spinning because your heartbeats exist.”
I’m going to be completely honest. This story wrecked me at times. You may want to have some tissues nearby since there is sorrow, but there are also plenty of moments of laughter, hope, encouragement and, above all, love. I’m telling you this book has all the feels!
He deserved to be loved out loud, and my love was a whisper in the wind that obviously only he could hear.
Brittainy C. Cherry’s writing is superb, and the plot development is so well constructed that its impact sneaks up on you bit by bit. This is definitely my favorite work of hers I’ve read so far.
My advice to would-be readers is to risk your heart. You will be rewarded with a wonderfully inspirational journey. I can say with utmost certainty that The Silent Waters is one of the most devastatingly poignant books I’ve read this year. I will hold the characters and this story in my heart for a long time.
Recommended for fans of:
Tear jerkers
Best friends
Rock stars
**ARC received in exchange for an honest review.**
Purchase The Silent Waters
Other books in The Elements series:
The Air He Breathes
The Fire Between High & Lo
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