The February theme for the Ultimate Reading Challenge, co-hosted with Collector of Book Boyfriends, is to read a tear jerker. It was a tough decision for me because there are so many great ones, and I tend to get emotionally attached to characters. However, I’m not in the mood for a story where the main character is dying. After many recommendation from friends, I chose THE LAW OF MOSES by Amy Harmon. Let’s see if I’ll need any tissues. What book did you choose?
Tag: Reading Goals

2018 Reading Goals
I am a goal-oriented reader, so striving to read a certain number of books each year is an annual tradition. Once again, I’m challenging myself in other areas as well. Do you think I can achieve my 2018 Reading Goals?

2017 Reading Goals
This year I’ve decided to challenge myself as a reader in several different ways. I’m counting on you to help keep me on track! Here are my reading goals for 2017.