I hope you’ve been enjoying 2018’s Ultimate Reading Challenge! For May, you need to pick a book set in a place you’d like to visit. I’m thinking maybe wine country, Ireland, Hawaii… decisions, decisions. Where would you go if you had your choice? Do you have any book recommendations for me? Read More
Category: Reading Goals

It’s time for March’s Ultimate Reading Challenge!
It’s time to pick a book for March’s #UltimateReadingChallenge, co-hosted with Collector of Book Boyfriends! This month’s challenge is to read a book by a new-to-you author. I have no idea what I’m going to choose yet, but I’m hoping to discover a new favorite.

February Ultimate Reading Challenge Audiobook Review: The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon
February’s Ultimate Reading Challenge 2018: Tear Jerkers Audiobook Review Welp. I was looking for a good tear jerker and The Law of Moses has a ton of 5-star reviews. Many have mentioned how heartbreaking it is. This is clearly a case of it-must-be-just-me. I’m probably emotionally stunted or my tear ducts may be extremely clogged because I didn’t come close to shedding a tear. There are parts that are quite sad, but I felt detached from the story for the most part. I think the fact that I listened to the audio book may be to blame, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

February’s Ultimate Reading Challenge: Tear Jerker
The February theme for the Ultimate Reading Challenge, co-hosted with Collector of Book Boyfriends, is to read a tear jerker. It was a tough decision for me because there are so many great ones, and I tend to get emotionally attached to characters. However, I’m not in the mood for a story where the main character is dying. After many recommendation from friends, I chose THE LAW OF MOSES by Amy Harmon. Let’s see if I’ll need any tissues. What book did you choose?

Ultimate Reading Challenge 2018
Reading Frenzy Book Blog and Collectors of Book Boyfriends and Girlfriends have combined their awesomeness to bring you 2018’s Ultimate Reading Challenge. They challenge you to read a book each month based on the theme of the month. Goals, fun, and prizes—oh my! Do you think you’re up for the challenge? Sign up if you dare!

2018 Reading Goals
I am a goal-oriented reader, so striving to read a certain number of books each year is an annual tradition. Once again, I’m challenging myself in other areas as well. Do you think I can achieve my 2018 Reading Goals?

That’s a Wrap 2017! How Did I Do?
Well, that’s a wrap for 2017! Happy New Year! I’ll share my reading goals for 2018 in a separate post but before I do, it’s time to take an honest look and see how I did with my 2017 reading goals. First things first, though. Here’s a wrap-up of December 2017 reviews. Three 5-star books!!

That’s a Wrap! November 2017
I can’t believe it’s December already! November flew by, but somewhere along the way I found time to read a bunch of 5 and 4½ star books. I’m on a winning streak, I tell you! This is the final That’s a Wrap! of 2017, so it’s a great time to do a progress update on my 2017 Reading Goals. How do you think I’m doing? I’m kind of nervous about January when I’ll be evaluate how I did throughout all of 2017. First, though, take a look at all the books reviewed in November. Click on any title to read the full review.

That’s a Wrap! October 2017
What a great month October was! I attended the Big Apple Author Event in New York City. It was the largest signing I’ve been to, and I can’t believe I got to meet so many of my favorite authors. I even met my dream author: the one and only Penny Reid. She’s super sweet! I won’t tell you all of the authors at the signing because I don’t want you to start drinking the Haterade, but I will say I met some authors who rarely tour anywhere close to me. Sarina Bowen, Jodi Ellen Malpas, K. Bromberg, Sara Ney, L.H. Cosway, Brittainy Cherry, and Renee Carlino were just a few in attendance. Would I leave my followers totally hanging? No! I picked up some signed books for you guys. I’m waiting for the right time to give them away.

That’s a Wrap! July 2017
Sorry “That’s a Wrap!” is late this month. I’ve been taking advantage of summer break and reading like crazy. With a couple of exceptions, July 2017 was a fantabulous month for reading, including five 5-star reads. Here’s a look at the books reviewed on the blog. Click on any title to read the full review. I want you to hold me accountable for my 2017 Reading Goals, so I’m also including a check-in.

That’s a Wrap! June 2017
The kids and I celebrated the last day of school in June, which left more time for my favorite pastime: reading! What a fantastic month for June 2017 releases. I read some great older books, but all of my 5-star reads were books released in June. My top three favorites were When Life Happened by Jewel E. Ann, Before It Fades by K.A. Tucker, and The Knocked Up Plan by Lauren Blakely. Check out the books reviewed in June, and see how I’m doing with my 2017 Reading Goals.

My Month of Rejuvenation ♥ That’s a Wrap! April 2017
Blogging is a great hobby. It is satisfying to recommend books that readers might not discover otherwise. It is also a special privilege to be entrusted with an advanced copy of a book to review. I appreciate the opportunity to offer potential readers a reason to look forward to a book’s release. However, at times if feels like a stressful, unpaid job—complete with deadlines, behind the scenes logistics, and unrealistic expectations of myself. It’s the reason I came up with my list of 2017 Reading Goals. Despite my good intentions, I was beginning to feel burned out.