Author: J.M. Darhower

Review & Giveaway ♥ Ghosted by J.M. Darhower

August 24, 2017 Angela Best of 2017, Giveaways, New Adult, Reviews, Romance, Second Chance Romance

Review & Giveaway ♥ Ghosted by J.M. DarhowerGhosted by J.M. Darhower
Published by Self-Published on August 24th 2017


He's a troubled young actor, Hollywood's newest heartthrob, struggling with fame as the star of the latest superhero franchise. Through scandal after scandal, addiction on top of addiction, a flurry of paparazzi hunt him as he fights to conquer his demons.

She's a single mother, assistant manager at a grocery store, existing in monotony with her five-year-old daughter. Every day when she goes to work, lurid tabloids surround her, the face of a notorious bad boy haunting her from their covers.

A man and a woman, living vastly different lives, but that wasn't always the case. Once, they were just a boy and a girl who bonded over comic books and fell in love unexpectedly.

When Kennedy Garfield met Jonathan Cunningham back in high school, she knew he had all the makings of a tragic hero. With stars in his eyes, and her heart on her sleeve, the pair ran away together to follow their dreams.

But dreams, sometimes, turn into nightmares.

Now, years later, the only thing they share is a daughter—one who has no idea her father plays her favorite superhero. But Jonathan is desperate to make amends, and at the top of his list is the woman who gave up everything for him and the little girl he hasn't yet met.

Ghosted deserves all the stars in the galaxy plus those yet to be discovered. This book utterly consumed me, and I have zero guilt for shutting out everyone and everything while I devoured it. Read More


About J.M. Darhower

J.M. Darhower

JM Darhower is the USA Today Bestselling Author of romance novels of all flavors (erotic, suspense, contemporary, paranormal) and is represented by Brower Literary & Management. She lives in a tiny town in the Carolinas with her family, where she churns out more words than will ever see the light of day. She has a deep passion for politics and human rights, and when she isn’t writing (or catching Pokemon) she’s usually ranting about those things. Chronic crimper with a vulgar mouth, she admits to having a social media addiction. You can find her there.

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Review: Sempre by J.M. Darhower

Review: Sempre by J.M. Darhower

There are some 500-page books that I can fly through reading and they don’t seem very long at all. Sempre isn’t one of them. It felt very much like it is 528 pages long. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the story, because I did. The mafia, human trafficking, sacrifice, vengeance, and forbidden young love are themes that kept me interested. However, the plot unfolds extremely slowly and is bogged down with more repetitive details than necessary. At times it seems like the reader is experiencing life in the DeMarco household not just day to day, but hour by hour. The story could be told in much less time and still be impactful.