Series: Beaumont #1
Published by Bandit Publishing Company on December 27, 2012
Pages: 302
Format: Audiobook
Narrator: Nelson Hobbs, Stephanie Rose
Genres: Contemporary, Romance

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I was never supposed to be a rock star. I had my life all planned out for me. Play football in college. Go to the NFL. Marry my high school sweetheart and live happily ever after.
I broke both our hearts that day when I told her I was leaving. I was young. I made the right decision for me, but the wrong decision for us. I've poured my soul into my music, but I've never forgotten her. Her smell, her smile.
And now I'm going back.
After ten years.
I hope I can explain that after all this time.
I still want her to be my forever girl.
I read Forever My Girl as part of the Ultimate Reading Challenge to read a book that has been adapted into a movie. I have to wonder if this is one of those rare cases where the movie is better than the book because the book just didn’t do it for me. Read More