Series: Ryder Brothers #1
Published by Self-Published on October 10, 2018
Pages: 216
Genres: Romance

Amazon Audible

Everyone wants to get close to a rock star.
The bright lights. The music. Those talented fingers strumming… a guitar. Everyone wants to bang a rock star.
So why do I keep running from the one who wants me?
I’m America’s Sweetheart. I have a reputation. He’s a boy-band icon turned rock god. I’m vanilla. He’s every flavor of bad. And he’s much, much too young for me.
If I end up in Nick Ryder’s bed, my career and I will both be screwed.
...but that’s only if I’m caught.
In theory, Close should be a hit. It has so many tropes I love: a rock star romance, a Hollywood romance, an older woman-younger man romance. That enticing combination had me eager to read this book, so it’s especially disappointing that it falls flat.